Paratus Rentals, Cement/Concrete Cooling in Escondido CA
#1 Source for Emergency & Temporary Cement/Concrete Cooling in Escondido CA = Paratus Rentals 855-313-7368
If you use cold water to help hydration in your aggregate mixing process, we have the help you are looking for. Paratus Rentals is your #1 source for Cement/Concrete Cooling in Escondido CA! If you are operating a Cement/Concrete plant in a warm climate, chances are you are already using cold water to reduce dehydration and increase cohesion of the final product.
Cement/Concrete Rental Chillers immediately available throughout Escondido to Control Cement Dehydration
A chiller is like any other piece of equipment at your plant, they run perfect until they don’t anymore! When that happens your production is stopped, sometimes it is just a coil cleaning, a fan motor or a minor freon leak – other times is major failure and if that occurs, CHILL OUT we got you covered!
At Paratus Rentals we specialize in Cement/Concrete Cooling in Escondido CA – most of our fleet is positioned throughout the Southern half of the Country. When you need that rental chiller to resume production in many cases, we can have it there the same day or within a 24-hour travel time!

Air Cooled Chiller Rental Escondido CA, Chiller AC Rental Escondido CA, Temporary Chiller Escondido CA, Rental Chiller Installation Escondido CA
#1 Source for Emergency & Temporary Cement/Concrete Cooling in Escondido CA = Paratus Rentals 855-313-7368
If you’re unfamiliar with the benefits to Cement Hydration using Cement/Concrete Chiller Rentals in Escondido CA, let us explain. Cement hydration is an exothermic process, meaning it releases heat as it occurs. If not properly dealt with, this heat can cause problems with the concrete in later stages. If the mixture becomes too hot too early, the hydration process could stop prematurely. A water chiller is used reduce the temperature of the hydration water when the city or well water is too warm for quality production. When this happens instead of reducing production you can increase production by augmenting your cooling water with Cement/Concrete Rental Chillers in Escondido CA from Paratus Rentals.
Cooler water temperatures allow for more process heat to be absorbed during hydration. This cooler temperature lengthens the time the process can continue without overheating and ceasing. Cooler temperatures also allow for the cement minerals to become more unstable and better able to mix. Thus, the hydration process can occur more smoothly. In effect, controlling the temperature during hydration helps create the best-possible finished product.
Temporary Cement/Concrete Rental Chillers in Escondido CA can be used for a variety of situations:
- Emergencies – Should your critical cooling system shut-down, temporary cooling can get your operations back online quickly.
- Planned Equipment Shutdown / Planned Outages / Conversions – Temporary cooling systems provide you with uninterrupted cooling for your machinery or operation during equipment repair, retrofitting, conversion or new equipment installation.
- Added Capacity – Temporary cooling provides you an additional boost for your system’s capacity when your process cooling loads exceed your current system’s capabilities.
- Temporary or Short-Term Needs – Temporary process cooling allows your operation additional cooling when your current equipment can’t cope with added load, or your project is temporary and the capital investment in chillers is not feasible. Also, if special orders or seasonable factors force production to increase, but you don’t want to purchase equipment for short-term project.

Concrete Cooling in Escondido CA, Cement Cooling in Escondido CA
Paratus Rentals is committed to supplying everything you need to operate your Cement/Concrete Rental Chillers in Escondido CA at peak efficiency. It’s not just the name and products that sets us apart – it’s what Paratus Rentals makes possible.
When you need cold water for Cement/Concrete Hydration Paratus offers a wide range of Cement/Concrete Cooling in Escondido CA that will meet your specific needs from rental air-cooled chillers, rental water-cooled chillers, heat exchangers, and rental cooling towers.