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Contingency planning has rules to follow? Paratus is rewriting some of those rules!

Contingency Planning has rules to follow is the name of the article but I’m here to tell you some leading companies like Paratus are rewriting those rules! It’s really quite a good piece and I suggest you read it but

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The Length of the Road Back from Disaster Four Rules for Measuring the Business Interruption Period

Came across this story and although it is long (12 pages but they’re short) it gives a great insight into Insurance and Business Interruption. Editors note on story: While working through a business interruption insurance claim, the policyholder and

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Disaster Recovery as a Service Market Expected to Reach $5.7 Billion by 2018

Disaster Recovery as a Service Market Expected to Reach $5.7 Billion by 2018 [222 Pages Report] DR-as-a-Service (DRaaS) Market report segmented global Disaster Recovery as a Service and Business Continuity market by market size, storage types, RaaS providers and geographies. The

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Global Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service Market 2014-2018 but where is Power and Temperature Control Rental ?

I’m very happy to see this article Global Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service Market 2014-2018 and take away that the market is growing. As bigger more powerful storms seem to be happening and people in general are worried about recovering from the things that

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Doing additions, augments, major maintenance, you need to thinking like this – Minister on water shutdown: Plans in place to beat longer cut-off

Doing additions, augments, major maintenance, you need to thinking like these people!!! There is one great line in the story below – It (the work) began on Wednesday and is due to end Monday but when asked if the shutdown would

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How to Create an Effective Business Continuity Plan with a Prison Twist

The story we have today is a good outline for an Effective Business Continuity Plan and contained within it are a couple really great related stories with links – one inparticluar has to do with generators and trying to get

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The assurance of a good New York City Business Continuity program: Ensuring business well-being

The assurance of a good business continuity program: Ensuring …  New York Real Estate Journal Online Security directors are well aware of the need for regular review of security practices to ensure visitors, guests and employees remain safe. Day to

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Paratus Rentals – Keep your business from becoming a statistic with a comprehensive small business Disaster Recovery plan

Welcome to the first of many informative posts from Paratus Rentals! I want to start this off with something dear to my heart – disaster recovery and an article I came across this morning from the Muncie Voice and it starts

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